From strategy to execution to day-to-day project management, we generate concrete and measurable results for the business of every company that decides to rely on us. We concretize the strategy of companies and organizations, implement new values, create supply chain processes, and develop research projects that open up new international possibilities
BLACKIN TRADE is always looking for the best production site in the World. The location of the 3 offices allows us to reach factories around the world quickly, taking advantage of the time zone and optimizing travel costs
Project development starts with a client’s idea and is carried out by the international teams that are created within the company depending on the type of project and the country in which it is being managed
The presence and professionalism of our local staff ensures control over the entire production process by conducting factory inspections before, during and after each production run. At the end of each inspection, a report is prepared and shared and approved by the client
Our experience in the world of Private Label allows us, when required, to create graphic designs going to develop product lines linked together and coordinated by a well-defined brand.
Close relationships with top international freight forwarders give us the ability to offer logistical support in finding the optimal solution according to each sea or air shipment
Continuous regulatory developments in terms of product safety require us to stay up-to-date to apply for and obtain the necessary certificates to import each item in accordance with the law and pass the increasingly stringent customs controls
The relationships matured during these years of trading in Asia have allowed us to come into contact with multiple realities and thus approach Asian customers who are increasingly attracted by the charm and quality of Made in Italy products. The Italian office is always looking for new products demanded by the Asian market in the various luxury sectors.
The Italian office has the big task of developing requests from Asian customers on the export of Made in Italy.
The Shanghai location is undoubtedly the company’s flagship location. The perfect synergy between the Asian and Italian staffs ensures that our clients’ needs are understood, processed and resolved.
The Ho Chi Min office performs the same services as the Chinese office but operates in a different territory, such as Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Laos.
Our target market is 95% China and Southeast Asia. We also operate in Europe and the rest of the world, with the aim of searching for the most strategic production site for each product, based on the changing historical moment. We also develop requests from customers for the export of Made in Italy.
Small household appliance
Outdoor Furniture